Your inky news March
Last month was the TPG Open Call for new members and we are happily overwhelmed by so many incredible applications. We are currently reviewing the applications and should be welcoming new members soon!
This month we also start brainstorming a new vision and some goals for TPG. Every member of TPG is encouraged to dream big, think out-of-the-box and bring epic ideas to the table. It’s inspiring to grow together as a community.
Talking about community, have you been following our instagram page? Each week different TPG members ‘take-over’ our instagram and give you a sneak peak behind the scenes of their printmaking lives. Don’t miss out on learning about these incredible women and their printing journeys.
TPG Workshops in March & April
If you would like to attend one of our workshops please book your spot. There are limited spaces available, and bookings are only made once workshops costs are paid in full.

The workshop will cover the basics of income tax for artists along with the records you will need to make submitting your tax return as easy as possible. The workshop will include practical examples and a Q&A session.
Tuesday 8 March 9:30-11:30am, via zoom.
Tuesday 22 March 9:30-11:30am, via zoom.
COST: R350

This workshop is designed to focus on the specific aspects of Photoshop that can assist a printmaker with the planning and creating of a work of art. This workshop will give you the ability to turn your drawings, photographs and found objects or images, into finished artworks.
Bookings for one-on-one workshops are open from 2 March 2022 (in person or via zoom)
COST: R1650.00

Meet at the Stepping Stones parking in Kommetjie, Cape Town
Join me for an immersive experience in my home territory. Depending on the weather conditions and number of participants, we will either do an easy hike up into the mountain behind Kommetjie, or stay along the shore. The idea is to find a comfortable place to sit, absorb the surroundings and make one or a few unresolved or complete sketches of the vista or aspects in it. It could be the superb view across Chapman’s Bay or the vertebrae of a seal skeleton.
18 March
COST: No charge, but please bring some money for a coffee or bite to eat afterwards.

Social Media can be an overwhelming world of engagement. Additionally, algorithms and analytics can be intimidating. Whether you are actively posting art to social media or want to support TPG’s in their social media strategy, this workshop will run through all the necessary elements of optimizing your online presence.
2 April
COST: R350

Western Cape An introduction to basic techniques of Mokuhanga woodblock carving including techniques of designing a print, registration, tool handling and sharpening.
Participants attending this course will emerge with carved woodblocks ready for printing.
Aril 1, 2, 6 & 13
COST: R1000

An introduction to basic print techniques of Mokuhanga including the preparation of paper, the making of nori paste, damp packs and print drying.
Participants attending this course will emerge with final Mokuhanga prints.
22, 23, 26 April & 3 May
COST: R1000
Investment Opportunity
An exciting investment opportunity, straight out of Numvula Hoko‘s studio is here for you!
Nomvula will be attending the Walter Sisulu University in the Eastern Cape this year to obtain her Diploma in Fine Arts. In order to fund her academic endeavours she is holding a studio sale of a number of prints. Among the artists within her collection are Sfiso Temba, Mario Soares, Luzuko Dayile, Caroline Massachusett and Nomvula Hoko’s own works too!
If you would like to see the portfolio of prints, please whatsapp Nomvula on 065 338 1638.
We wish you the best of luck with your studies, Nomvula!
Members Spotlight

Well done to two of our Cape Town TPGs, Kristen McClarty and Noeleen Kleve, who were mentioned in State-of-the-Art Gallery’s recent article about ‘How to Frame your Art’. A really helpful and insightful article.
Read the article HERE.

Kontrei Kuns is an exhibition happening this month, featuring work by Kay Fourie. Don’t miss out on the exhibition if you’re in the Karoo. BUT, if you’re not in the Karoo, make sure to follow the gallery’s FaceBook page to see more details!
On show from the 11th of March at the Die Naaldekoker Gallery in Philipstown, Karoo.

WorldWide Prints Project is an artistic, cultural and educational initiative that aims to collect small prints from artists from all over the world to promote the knowledge and awareness of graphic art and to introduce, through the web, catalogs and exhibitions, to as many people as possible, the different ways of making graphic art in the world by comparing and uniting different nations.
There are four South African printmakers taking part, of which our very own Marelise van Wyk is one! If you would also like to take part, email the organisation to find out more information.

TPG would just like to say we are thinking of you mama Neeske, and baby Huxley -enjoy each precious moment! Kiss those toes for us!