Your inky news July

The Printing Girls would like to invite you to our first exhibition of 2022, Miniatures in Print, at Gallery2 in JHB. The opening event is this Saturday 9 July at 11h30. 

Cloudia Rivett-Carnac will be presenting an interactive print demo for all attending the workshop at 12h00. This is always the highlight of our openings so be sure to get there in time!

With nearly 200 framed miniature prints on display the show is truly a feast for the eyes and soul. The curators of the exhibition – Leonora Venter (TPG), Gini Harris (Miniature Art Society of SA) and Chrysoula Argyros (Chairperson of Miniature Art Society of SA) – have put together a spectacular selection of prints that embody the spirit of miniature art. 

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